Compliance Key INC - Enterprise Risk Management training
William A. Levinson, P.E., is Keynote Speaker at Compliance key Inc. He is the principal of Levinson Productivity Systems, P.C. He is an ASQ Fellow, Certified Quality Engineer, Quality Auditor, Quality Manager, Reliability Engineer, and Six Sigma Black Belt.
Measurement systems analysis (MSA) is the counterpart of calibration. Calibration ensures the accuracy of gages and instruments, while MSA measures their precision. Accuracy reflects the gage's ability to, on average, return the actual dimension of the part on which it is used. Precision measures the gage's ability to get consistent measurements from a given part. Both are important elements of metrology. This presentation will show how to perform MSA, also known as a gage capability study.
Why should you attend this webinar?
Accuracy, which is ensured by calibration, and precision, which is measured by MSA, are both vital elements of metrology. Almost all manufacturing organizations have calibration programs, that may be handled by internal laboratories or external suppliers. MSA is often performed in-house, with the same products that the organization produces. MSA is mandatory under IATF 16949, and highly recommended even when it is not mandatory. This presentation will provide attendees with what they need to know to perform effective gage capability studies.
Areas Covered in the Session:
1.Know the difference between accuracy (assured by calibration) and precision (measured by a gage study), and the importance of both. The session will also show the effect of gage precision, or lack thereof, on outgoing quality, statistical process control, and the estimated process performance index.
- Poor gage capability (precision) increases the chance that conforming product will be rejected, and nonconforming product accepted.
- Lack of precision reduces the power of control charts to detect process shifts, although the false alarm risk does not increase.
- Lack of precision reduces the estimated process performance index although, if the gage variation is known, the actual performance index can then be calculated.
2.Know the components of gage variation.
- Repeatability measures the gage's ability to return the same measurement from the same part, when it is used by one inspector.
- Reproducibility measures the gage's ability to return consistent measurements when used by different inspectors.
3.Understand the effects of linearity and bias on gage performance, and other factors that may affect performance.
4.Know how to perform a gage study. This includes the process for sampling and measurement as well as the mathematical methods for analyzing the data, and ensuring the validity of the study. (The calculations are often handled in practice by statistical software packages, although instructions will be provided for Microsoft Excel.) Every gage study should include a graphical check on the results.
5.Know potential remedies for non-capable gages such as guard banding. This sacrifices some borderline conforming product to protect the customer from borderline nonconforming product. Replication of measurements, where practical, will suppress repeatability variation.
4.Know how to perform a gage study. This includes the process for sampling and measurement as well as the mathematical methods for analyzing the data, and ensuring the validity of the study. (The calculations are often handled in practice by statistical software packages, although instructions will be provided for Microsoft Excel.) Every gage study should include a graphical check on the results.
5.Know potential remedies for non-capable gages such as guard banding. This sacrifices some borderline conforming product to protect the customer from borderline nonconforming product. Replication of measurements, where practical, will suppress repeatability variation.
Who can Benefit:
- Manufacturing
- Quality professionals
Compliance Key INC
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